LEarning Disability | AUTism Support

Evolve Care & Support provides residential and supported living services for young people and adults with learning disabilities and autism. We offer person centred support based on each individual needs with the goal to enhance their independence and quality of life. The level of support needed for people with learning disabilities depends on the individual. Someone with a mild learning disability may only need support with day to day tasks or companionship and whereas someone with a severe learning disability may need full time care and support.
Here at Evolve Care & Support we offer a range of services to helpindividuals with a variety of needs to live as independently as possible. We provide support in the service user’s home or at a house shared with friends to help them live a fulfilling life. By focusing on each person’s unique strengths and abilities, our aim is to help you achieve your goals. We develop a personalised support plan so that they can live a meaningful life in their community.